What's New? We are in the process of looking for a new location to resume our retail store! But until then, we are updating our online store and adding new readers!

psychic readings

Our Owner

Our Owner

A Gifted Psychic and Healer

I first discovered my psychic abilities when I was just six years old. As a child and a young adult, I was able to see visions and read cards for friends and loved ones and began my career as a card reader and palmist. As I grew older, I was visited by the spirit of the Archangel Michael. I continued to have new experiences and engaged in formal training at the Psychic Institute in Denver, and with Sarah Ingier, a psychic surgeon residing in Austin, Texas. I recently travelled to Brazil to visit and gain insight with John of God and completed medium ship training with John Holland at The Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, N.Y.

psychic readings

Today, I give spirit-guided healings to remove disease and physical energy blockages that prevent living in harmony with the universal flow of good health and well being. I view myself as a “make-aware consultant” and share my gifts with others as:

  • a healer — approaching your health issues with insight and compassion to facilitate healing.
  • a clairvoyant — seeing past, present and future — removing blocks that prevent living a truthful and fulfilling life.
  • a medium — able to communicate with spirit guides, angels, and loved ones who have passed over.
  • a guide — assisting spirits who have not yet transitioned into the light.
  • a visionary — seeing past lives and then advising clients on how it affects their current life and business.
  • a counselor/advisor — working with individuals and couples to determine and remove blocks effecting their love, business, success,
    and happiness — house-blessings-clearings and business blessings-clearings.
  • a spiritual teacher/mentor — brings about a recognition in the student of the student’s own pre-existing spiritual nature, helping you to connect with your spiritual self and intuitive abilities as well as integrating both the human and spiritual aspects of yourself and your life. Aura photography with interpretations, for practitioners, with before and after results. A Gallery-A Spiritual messenger.
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